With apologies to Clement C. Moore
’Twas the week before Christmas, when all ‘round The Block,
the creative juices were stirring, while we raced the clock.
On the conference room floor our new client paced,
while we scurried to tackle the deadline we faced.
The fellow was dressed in a furry red suit.
Amy and I found that peculiar; Erika thought it was cute.
We all had the feeling we had seen him before,
when we asked where we’d know him, he just laughed with a roar.
Each year, he then told us, he embarks on a jaunt,
to give children all over the presents they want.
The kids, it turns out, leave him cookies to eat,
and it was clear by his girth, that he’s indulged in the treats.
While grateful, there’s just a small problem it seems,
when he shares the kids’ cookies with his eight-member team.
The crew counts on cookies to help fuel their trip,
but the herd, as he called them, only like chocolate chip.
“No oatmeal! No shortbread! And no macaroons!
No pinwheels! No cutouts! And, please, nothing with prunes!”
The challenge he gave us, with just hours to spare,
was to get the word out ‘bout his team’s favorite fare.
We sprang to our iMacs and went straight to our work,
to promote our client’s needs, without his seeming a jerk.
More rapid than rivals we turned out a campaign,
that drove home his message with some clever refrains.
Now kids through the world know what cookies to leave,
for the man who brings presents on each Christmas Eve.
How he whistled and praised us for our brilliant minds,
and, giving a nod, called our firm “one of a kind.”
I suppose looking back it was all just a dream;
still, Happy Christmas to all from The Creative Block team.